Native Plant Sale – May 16, 2020

Orders for plants being taken until 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 13. Each customer will be assigned a time to pick up plants on Spring Street at the back of the Museum on Saturday, May 16. Please arrive on time, not early or late. This is to ensure social distancing for the protection of our volunteers and other customers.

Prices: $4 for 3.5” pots, $8 for 1-gallon pots and $12 for 2-gallon pots.

Proceeds from this sale benefit the Klamath County Museum and the Klamath Basin Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon.

NOTE: On the day of the sale, we expect to have small quantities of a few other species not listed here. Bring money with you for more great plants!



Serviceberry - Rosaceae-Amelanchier_alnifolia_MAC_RJLjpg - low res.jpg

(Chamaebatiara millefolium)
Very drought-tolerant mid-size shrub with fine fern-like leaves. Modest flowers. $8.

Golden Currant - Grossulariaceae-Ribes_aureum_SM_RJLjpg.jpg

Golden currant
(Ribes aureum)
Large shrub with yellow flowers in spring. $8.

Green Rabbitbrush - Asteraceae-Chrysothamnus_viscidiflorus_MACjpg.jpg

Green rabbitbrush
(Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus)
Small, very drought-tolerant shrub that stays green all summer long. Produces showy yellow flowers in fall. Great for supporting pollinators late in the season. $8.

Mock Orange - Hydrangaceae-Philadelphus lewisii_RJL3jpg.jpg

(Philadelphus lewisii)
Medium to large shrub. Very showy flowers in spring. $8.

Mtn. Mahogany - Rosaceae-Cercocarpus_ledifolius_MAC_RJLjpg-lowres.jpg

Curl-leaf mountain mahogany
(Cercocarpus ledifolius)
Large very drought-tolerant shrub. Can be pruned to form a small (10-15’ feet) tree. Deer will browse heavily on this species in fall and winter. $8.

Purple Sage - Salvia_dorrii_8117.jpg

Purple sage
(Salvia dorii)
Small drought-tolerant shrub with very aromatic foilage. $8.

(Amelanchier alnifolia)
Large, drought-tolerant shrub that produces bright white flowers in spring, delicious edible fruit in fall. $12.



Arrowleaf buckwheat
(Eriogonum compositum)
Small mound of leaves with pale-yellow flowers on stems up to 12”. $4.

Checkermallow - Malvaceae-Sidalcea_oregana_MACjpg.jpg

(Sidalcea oregana)
Sturdy perennial that produces lavender flowers on stems for a few weeks. $8.

Columbine - Ranunculaceae-Aquilegia_formosa_MACjpg.jpg

Columbine – Yellow/orange flowers that last several weeks. Readily spreads from seed. $8.

Coyote Mint - Lamiaceae-MonardellaodoratissimaMAC_croppedjpg.jpg

Coyote mint
(Mondardella odoratissima)
Small clump with very aromatic leaves, modest purple flowers that last, good for drying. A Klamath Native Plant Society favorite! $4.

Creamy buckwheat
(Eriogonum heracleoides)
Arrowleaf buckwheat – Small mound of leaves with long-lasting pale-yellow flowers on short stems. $8.

Davidson Penstemon - Scrophulariaceae-Penstemon_davidsonii_RJLjpg.jpg

Davidson’s penstemon
(Penstemon davidsonii)
Spreading sub-shrub that produces very showy purple flowers in spring. $8.

globemallow - Sphaeralcea munroana.jpg

(Sphaeralcea munroana)
Shrubby perennial with numerous small orange flowers. $4.

goldenaster - Heterotheca villosa.jpg

(Heterotheca villosa)
Solid perennial that produces bright yellow flowers mid-summer. $4.

Mountain Hollyhock - Iliamna_rivularis_InsectImages_1359077.jpg

Mountain hollyhock
(Iliamna rivularis)
Produces flowers along tall spikes. $4.

Narrow Milkweed - Asclepiadaceae-Asclepias_fascicularis_MACjpg.jpg

Oregon sunshine
(Eriophyllum lanatum)
Biennial with lacy foliage, dazzling yellow bloom in second season, after which it dies. All seed to ripen for reseeding. $4.

Showy penstemon
(Penstemon speciosus)
Tall purple flower spikes. Easy to grow from seed. $8.


Spreading phlox
(Phlox diffusa)
Low, mat-forming perennial with very impressive showy pink-purple flowers early in the spring. Blends into background for remainder of the year. $8.

Sulphur buckwheat
(Eriogonum umbellatum)
A low-growing sub-shrub. Very bright yellow flowers that last for weeks. A Klamath Native Plant Society favorite! $8.


Tall buckwheat
(Eriogonum elatum)
Cluster of basal leaves, with a tall stem that emerges midsummer bearing small pinkish-white flowers. As the plant ages, increasing number of stems add spot of color in fall and winter months
. $4.

(Erysium capitatum)
Short-lived perennial with orange flowers (rare color in native wildflowers). Usually reseeds. $4.

gumweed - Grindelia.jpg

(Grinelia sp.)
Bright yellow blossoms. Not the prettiest plant, but will grow on almost any type of soil! $4.


Idaho fescue
(Festuca idahoensis)
Very fine blades and tall seed stems. Looks like an ornamental! $4.


Prairie junegrass
(Koeleria macrantha)
Unpretentious grass that produces very pretty seed head. $4.