Honored Dead – Vietnam
Listed here are men from the Klamath Basin who died while serving in the military during the Vietnam War. The list includes those who died in combat or as the result of accidental injury either at home or abroad.
In some cases little or no information is available about individuals listed here. In most cases, additional information is on file at the Klamath County Museum.
Barnes, Marvin
Feb. 28, 1969, South Vietnam
Born April 4, 1943 in Merrill, Marvin Barnes graduated from Merrill High School. Following graduation, he was a civilian employee at Kingsley Field Air Force Base, and worked with his father on the family ranch in Merrill before entering the U.S. Army in December, 1967. Barnes was a member of B Company, 1st Battalion (Airborne) 503rd Infantry, 17th Airborne Brigade and was a squad leader on a search and destroy mission when his squad encountered hostile forces.
He was survived by two children, Donald and Brenda, of Germany; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Donald Barnes; a brother and two sisters.
He was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Military Merit Medal and the Gallantry Cross with Palm.
Barnes, Earl
Sept. 4, 1969, Maine
Earl Barnes, born in Klamath Falls in 1930 and a 1949 graduate of Klamath Union High School, was tail gunner on a training flight out of Loring Air Force Base near Limestone, Maine, when the B-52 bomber he was in crashed three miles after takeoff. Five other crewmen and a military observer also were killed. He had served for 19 years with a number of tours overseas. He was 39 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his wife, Ruth and 18-year-old son, Michael of Maine; parents Mr. and Mrs. Everett I. Barnes; and two brothers. He was buried at Klamath Memorial Park..
Chatburn, Thomas III
June 11, 1966, Loc Ninh, Vietnam
Born July 12, 1942, Thomas Chatburn was a member of a well known pioneer family and native of Klamath Falls. He graduated from Merrill High School and immediately joined the U.S. Army. He served three years in Germany before going to Vietnam.
Chatburn served with the 2nd Battalion, 1st Division, 28th Infantry, and was seriously wounded shortly after arriving in Vietnam in September of 1965.
He was 24 at the time of his death.
Chatburn was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Chatburn Jr.; a brother and a sister. He was buried at Klamath Memorial Park.
Coats, Charles
May 27, 1968, Vietnam
Born June 7, 1949, in Klamath Falls, Charles Coats attended Klamath Union High School, joining the Marines following graduation. He served as a grenadier with Co. G., 2nd Bn., 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division and received the Purple Heart before hs death for risking his life to save a wounded Marine who was under attack. Coats died while fighting in the Quang Tri vicinity. He was 18 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his wife, Janet; infant daughter, Lori Ann; mother, Mrs. Marjorie Adair; a brother and a sister. He was buried at Klamath Memorial Park. Coats was posthumously awarded the Silver Star.
Collins, Francis
June 5, 1967, South Vietnam
Born in Germany on Dec. 8, 1946, Francis Collins attended grade school in Tulelake and Shasta Elementary School in Klamath Falls. He graduated from Klamath Union High School on June 8, 1965.
Collins began his tour in Vietnam on Dec. 1, 1966, with Company C, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry, 11th Armored Cavalry.
He died when the jeep he was driving while on patrol hit a land mine. He was 20 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Crumrine and two sisters.
Deaton, Charles
Sept. 28, 1969, Vietnam
Born May 3, 1949, in Burns, Charles Deaton graduated from Klamath Union High School in 1967. He was employed by Weyerhaeuser following graduation and prior to joining the Army in February, 1968. Deaton had been in Vietnam two months prior to his death at the age of 20.
He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Deaton of Klamath Falls and a brother, Jim Deaton who was serving in the Navy. Deaton was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service, the Bronze Star for heroism, the Purple Heart and the Air Medal.
Evans, David
Oct. 24, 1968, South Vietnam
Born Dec. 21, 1948, in Great Falls, Mont., David Evans graduated from Henley High School and began his tour in Vietnam on May 15, 1968. He died while serving as a door gunner in a helicopter on an aircraft rescue mission to pick up wounded soldiers. He was 19 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Evans; a brother, Norman, who died while serving in Vietnam in 1970; and a half-brother, Robert Molohon, who was serving in the Army.
Evans, Norman
Nov. 24, 1970, Vietnam
Born March 6, 1947, in Great Falls, Mont., Norman Evans graduated from Henley High School. He began his tour in Vietnam on Jan. 4, 1970. Evans died in a helicopter crash while returning from a mission and was one of 16 to die in the wreckage. He was 23 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his wife, Lana; two young sons, Jeffery Scott and David Lynn; parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Evans and half-brother, Robert Molohon. He was the second son in the James family lost while serving in Vietnam. Norman’s brother, David Evans, died in a helicopter crash in 1968.
Fitzhugh, Robert
Jan. 19, 1970, Vietnam
Born in Klamath Falls on March 2, 1949, Robert Fitzhugh grew up in Washington and Colorado, spending most of his summers with his grandparents in the Langell Valley.
He entered the Army on Jan. 8, 1969, and served as a machine gunner. Fitzhugh was awarded the Bronze Star on Aug. 25, 1969, for heroism in action for carrying Pittsburgh Steeler running back Robert “Rocky” Bleier to safety and providing cover fire to help evacuate wounded soldiers on Aug. 20, 1969.
He died while walking point on patrol when a land mine was manually discharged. He was 20 at the time of his death. He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzhugh and three brothers. He was buried in the Bonanza Cemetery.
Floren, Jimmy
Nov. 6, 1967, Vietnam
Born in Klamath Falls on July 23, 1946, Jimmy Floren attended Altamont Elementary and Junior High School, graduating from Klamath Union High School in 1964. Floren attended the University of Oregon and entered the Marines on Aug. 20, 1966. He began his tour in Vietnam on March 6, 1967, and served as fire-squad leader of the Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Division.
Floren was awarded the Navy Cross for aiding a wounded man under fire and getting a machine gun position back into action after the men in the gun crew had been wounded. He was 21 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel E. Floren and three sisters.
Harsch, Rodney
Aug. 26, 1971, Vietnam
Born Feb. 5, 1949, in Tillamook, Rodney Harsch graduated from Bonanza High School in 1968 and worked for Weyerhaeuser until joining the Navy in 1969.
He died in Saigon of an accidental discharged of a .38 caliber revolver. He was 22 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Young of Chemult; three brothers; a sister and a stepsister. He was buried at Mt. Laki Cemetery.
McKibban, Michael
Jan. 1, 1969, Vietnam
Born July 13, 1946, in Vancouver, Wash., Michael McKibban attended Riverside Elementary School, Fremont Junior High School and graduated from Klamath Union High School in 1964. He spent three years at West Point Academy prior to transferring to the Army Airborne School. He took additional Green Beret and Fifth Ranger group training at the Special Forces Training School at Fort Bragg, N.C.
He was serving with the U.S. Army’s 5th Special Forces Group at Na Trang, Vietnam, performing combat operations, at the time of his death at the age of 22. He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Parisotto Sr.; one brother and three sisters. He was buried at Klamath Memorial Park.
Morelock, Rex
June 14, 1969, South Vietnam
Born July 21, 1950, Rex Morelock attended Klamath Union High School. He lived in Klamath Falls for a number of years with his family before moving to North Plains in 1965.
Morelock began his tour of duty in Vietnam on Feb. 6, 1969. He died while fighting in Kien Hoa, South Vietnam while serving with the 9th Infantry Division.
He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moon.
Musselman, Donald
April 29, 1968, Vietnam
Born Sept. 22, 1944, in Klamath Falls, Donald Musselman graduated from Tulelake High School. He joined the Army in July of 1964, and served one year in Korea. He re-enlisted in the Army in May of 1967.
Musselman was a member of Co. D, 588th Eng. Bn. He was 23 at the time of his death. He was survived by his wife, Barbara; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Musselman; two brothers and a sister. He was buried at Eternal Hills Memorial Gardens.
Parker, James
Nov. 18, 1963, Vietnam
Born May 4, 1938, in Merrill, James Parker attended schools in Malin. He enlisted with the U.S. Army paratroopers the day after his 17th birthday. He was serving with the first special forces when he died in a motorcycle crash while on leave in Saigon. During his duty abroad, Parker was deeply concerned with the plight of children and the inadequately equipped orphanages. He was Klamath County’s first casualty of the war. He was 25 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his wife, Barbara; father, Dalton Parker; a brother and a sister. He was buried at Mt. Calvary Cemetery.
Peters, Steven
March 10, 1970, South Vietnam
Born Dec. 12, 1947, in Klamath Falls, Steven Peters graduated from Henley High school in 1966 and attended Oregon Technical Institute before entering the Army. He served with the 101st Airborne Division, the Screaming Eagles.
Peters was 22 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his wife, Georjan; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters; a brother and four sisters.
Smith, Gary
March 27, 1970, Elgin Air Force Base, Fla.
A 1949 graduate of Klamath Union High School, Gary Smith attended Annapolis Naval Academy, graduating in 1954. Upon graduating from the Naval academy, Smith transferred to the Air Force.
Smith, who died in an air accident at Elgin Air Force Base in Florida, was stationed at Elgin for two years after returning from Vietnam. He was 38 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his wife, Joan Pamela; daughters Pamela and Cheryl; mother, Mrs. Marguerite Landis and a sister. He was buried at Barrancas National Cemetery, Pensacola, Fla.
Stenberg, Jerry
Jan. 21, 1968, Vietnam
Born April 29, 1947, in Klamath Falls, Jerry Stenberg graduated from Henley High School and attended Bend Junior College. He was employed by the Oregon Bureau of Land Management prior to his enlistment with the Marines on May 16, 1966.
Stenberg started his tour of duty in Vietnam on June 27, 1967. He was serving with C Battery, 13th Marines, 5th Marine Division at the time of his death from mortar fire. He was 20 at the time of his death. Stenberg was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stenberg; a brother and a sister. He was awarded the Military Merit Medal and Gallantry Cross with Palm.
Suedmeyer, Larry
April 4, 1971, South Vietnam
Born Oct. 20, 1950, Larry Suedmeyer attended schools in Malin and Tulelake before entering the Army.
Suedmeyer died during a nighttime mission with the 173rd Airborne Brigade when a boobytrap detonated. He was 20 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his mother, Mrs. Jean Talbot, and was buried at Fort Rosebrans Cemetery, San Diego.
Taylor, Robert
July 28, 1970, Vietnam
Born Oct. 14, 1949, in Klamath Falls, Robert Taylor attended Mills Elementary School and graduated from Klamath Union High School in 1968. He enlisted in the Army in October 1968 and was in Vietnam 10 months, serving with the 4th Infantry Division, B Troop, 2nd Squadron, 1st Cavalry. He was 20 years old at the time of his death.
He was survived by his mother, Mrs. Doreen Taylor; two brothers and two sisters. He was buried at Klamath Memorial Park.
Thompson, Jimmie
Dec. 8, 1968, South Vietnam
Born March 5, 1933, Jimmie Thompson served with the Navy for 14 years. He was 35 at the time of his death.
Tworek, John
March 9, 1968, South Vietnam
Born Jan. 20, 1946, in Crescent City, Calif., John Tworek attended Klamath Union High School and worked as a mechanic for the County School District. He was drafted into service in May of 1966.
As a medical corpsman, Tworek was assigned to ambulance duty, and was killed when a military vehicle in which he was a passenger overturned. He was 22 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tworek, Sr.; four brothers and a sister. He was buried at Klamath Memorial Park.
He was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal and the Vietnam Campaign ribbon.
Vest, Robert
Nov. 5, 1966, South Vietnam
Born July 28, 1946, Robert Vest began his tour of duty in Vietnam on Sept. 18, 1966. He served with the 25th Infantry Division, A Company, 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry. He was 20 at the time of his death.
Vest was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vest of Chiloquin; three brothers and three sisters.
He was posthumously awarded the Silver Star and the Purple Heart.
Williams, Thomas
Aug. 24, 1968, South Vietnam
Born Aug. 21, 1946, in Klamath Falls, Thomas Williams attended local schools and was a student at Portland State College. Williams entered the service in October of 1967, serving with the 9th Infantry Division, A company, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry. His tour of duty in Vietnam began on April 3, 1968. He was 22 at the time of his death.
Williams was survived by his wife, Donna; father, John H. Williams; a brother and a sister.
Wood, Frank
Feb. 18, 1971, South Vietnam
Born April 26, 1944, in El Paso, Texas, Frank Wood was a 1962 graduate of Klamath Union High School and the University of Oregon. He entered the Marines on Feb. 28, 1969, and began his tour of duty in Vietnam on Jan. 11, 1971.
Wood died in a crash in Thau Thien, South Vietnam while serving as a helicopter pilot. He was 26 at the time of his death.
He was survived by his wife, Diane; daughters Frankie Kay and Kelly Ann; mother, Mrs. Nellie Wood; one brother and five sisters. He was buried at Eternal Hills Memorial Gardens.
Worden, Gale
Dec. 25, 1967, Philippines
Born March 9, 1941, Gale Worden was a Klamath Union High School graduate.
He enlisted in the Naval Reserve on May 9, 1959, later joining the regular Navy. He served one tour of duty in Vietnam and had been stationed in the Philippines for two years at the time of his death.
Worden died in a motorcycle crash on Christmas Day, 1967, near the U.S. Naval Base at Subic Bay, the Philippines. He was 26 at the time of his death. He was survived by his wife, Donna; son, Robert and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Worden.